Today’s Radio Broadcast – Locating Ancient Nazareth of the Galilee (Parts 1 and 2)


  Part One: Luke 4:28-29 tells us that on a certain sabbath, men of the…

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Gilgal Rephaim, Israel’s “Stonehenge”, is Just 3 Miles from Gamla


  By Joe Bartling Gilgal Rephaim (Hebrew for “Circle of the Giants”) is a large…

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Gamla Means “Camel” and A Whole Lot More


  In Aramaic, the word “Gamla” or “Gamala” means “camel”, the “beast of burden” in…

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Radio Broadcast: Life in the Galilee in Jesus’ Time (and Gamla!) 03-31-2016

Gamla from across the Kinneret in Capernaum

  Broadcasted on Blog Talk Radio on March 31, 2016.  Listen to Joe Bartling, who…

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Today’s Radio Broadcast on Gamla – 12/31/2015

Decorated tile map from the Bethsaida Overlook

  By Joe Bartling Hear Joe Bartling discuss Gamla and its possible connection as Jesus’…

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John the Baptist, the Wedding at “Cana” and Jesus’ First Five Disciples

John the Baptist Baptizes Jesus

  By Joe Bartling The Gospel of John is known as the “Christological” Gospel; its…

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If Jesus Used Google Maps


  by Joe Bartling I’ve made the case in my article “Jesus’ Boyhood Hometown: Rediscovered…

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Is Jesus of Nazareth Really from “Nazareth”? What’s in a Word?

Flight to Egypt

  By Joe Bartling We’ve all heard from Biblical teachings that Jesus was raised in…

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The Case of the Missing Red-Slipped Dishes in Gamla

Red-slipped plates and bowls (1st Century CE) found at Gamla

    By Joe Bartling One of the most interesting phenomenon discovered in Gamla is…

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Gamla is in the Ancient Region of “Aram” – Jesus Spoke “Aramaic”


  By Joe Bartling Sometimes things are so obvious that we miss them.  Biblical scholars,…

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