• Gilgal Rephaim, Israel’s “Stonehenge”, is Just 3 Miles from Gamla


    By Joe Bartling

    Gilgal Rephaim (Hebrew for “Circle of the Giants”) is a large megalithic monument that is just three miles east of the site of Gamla in the Golan …

  • Gamla Means “Camel” and A Whole Lot More


    In Aramaic, the word “Gamla” or “Gamala” means “camel”, the “beast of burden” in ancient Biblical times.  In Hebrew, camel is “gamal”.  The mountain and city of “Gamla” was described …

  • John the Baptist Baptizes Jesus

    John the Baptist, the Wedding at “Cana” and Jesus’ First Five Disciples


    By Joe Bartling

    The Gospel of John is known as the “Christological” Gospel; its purpose to explain that Jesus is the “divine Son of God” and generally believed to have …

  • If Jesus Used Google Maps


    by Joe Bartling

    I’ve made the case in my article “Jesus’ Boyhood Hometown: Rediscovered after 2,000 Years?” that it is very possible, and even likely, that Gamla was …

  • Flight to Egypt

    Is Jesus of Nazareth Really from “Nazareth”? What’s in a Word?


    By Joe Bartling

    We’ve all heard from Biblical teachings that Jesus was raised in a town called Nazareth; he’s specifically called “Jesus of Nazareth” in the KJV version …

  • Red-slipped plates and bowls (1st Century CE) found at Gamla

    The Case of the Missing Red-Slipped Dishes in Gamla



    By Joe Bartling

    One of the most interesting phenomenon discovered in Gamla is the disappearance of “red-slipped dishes” and mold-made lamps in Gamla during the first century …

  • Jesus’ Boyhood Hometown: Rediscovered after 2,000 Years?


    Its a cold case like no other that Joe Bartling has ever investigated.  A forensic technologist, Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), and licensed Private Investigator (PI), Joe visited Israel on five …

  • Gamla, the camel-backed mountain


    From: The Times of Israel

    Founded by King Janneus around 80 B.C.E., Gamla was a Jewish town of 5,000 farmers. Excavations have revealed fascinating finds, including one …

  • Judas of Gamla and the “Fourth Sect” of Judaism – The “Zealots”


    By Joe Bartling


    Most everyone with a Christian or Jewish education has heard of the “Pharisees”, the “Sadducees”, and even the “Essenes”.  But there was a “Fourth Sect” of …

  • Gamla Topography from Josephus

    An Introduction to Gamla


    By Joe Bartling

    Gamla (Hebrew: גמלא) is an ancient Jewish city, inhabited as early as the Early Bronze Period (3000BCE-2000BCE), and was believed to have been founded as a fortress …